Booking rooms

Guaranteed early check-in

The service «Guaranteed early check-in» is available on advance booking. The breakfast on the day of early arrival is not included in the service price.

Terms of service:

  • check-in from 00:00 to 14:00 (regular check-in time)
  • cost is 50% of the full room price (special offers and discounts do tot apply to the service cost)

Dear guests! Starting from 01.01.2025, the Tourist Hotel (IE Zatolokina E.V.), in accordance with Federal Law No. 176-FZ dated 12.07.2024, becomes a VAT payer. We will continue to apply a simplified taxation system, while applying a 0% VAT rate on accommodation services. The VAT rate of 20% will apply to all other non-residential services. We kindly ask you to take this information into account when planning a business trip and requesting accounting documents at the hotel. You can also find the documents in the "Legal information" section.