Booking rooms

Loyalty programme «Gostinets»: 10% cashback

We invite you to take part in our Loyalty Programme to get 10% cashback of cost of your accommodation on Gostinets.com. The Programme applies to direct bookings at Basic Rate only (Rack-Rate, without any discount and special-offer) payed by credit card or cash at the Reception. Cashback is not charged for additional services.

You can make a booking:

Dear guests! Starting from 01.01.2025, the Tourist Hotel (IE Zatolokina E.V.), in accordance with Federal Law No. 176-FZ dated 12.07.2024, becomes a VAT payer. We will continue to apply a simplified taxation system. 0% VAT rate will aplly to accommodation services and 20% VAT rate to additional services. We kindly ask you to take this information into account when planning a business trip and requesting accounting documents at the hotel. You can also find the documents in the "Legal information" section.